Delayed post card from Finland

Oops the whole May went without any posts here (my apologies). I also try to forgive myself didn’t skate that much during the whole month. I was in my home country Finland, and it just was very hectic with seeing friends, family, working – and also the weather was very, very bad, even for Finnish spring: it was sleeting in mid May when arrived to Helsinki.

But when I did skate (that was once), it was with a style. This was my kit when heading to skate in the Vuosaari skate park in eastern Helsinki. It was also meeting up with a friend who had turned 40 whilst I’ve been away, and with whom had not yet celebrated my doctoral status.


The session itself was not that great. Actually, was quite frustrated as last summer on the same spot was much better, but nevertheless it was super-nice to spend time with my friend, and also when it was getting dark-ish (I remind you, despite of cold spring, I was in a country of ‘nightless nights’) to hear birds, chat with some local skateboarders (I admired his skateboarding skills, he my job), to be worrying in a giddily way, if we’ll catch the last metro back to centre, and finally when there, to have some after midnight junk food before heading to my temporary home.


I also got some souvenir for myself to decorate my cat board. This sticker for Finnish skateboard brand Tikari is done by Katri Sipilä, a Finnish artist doing fab paintings, comic books, tattoos, skateboarding, designs skateboards.


And here is a souvenir for you. Finland is full of nice spots (erm, not necessarily legal to skate…), in summer there is LOT of light to skate all night long. So go skate there, go (just select carefully the time of the year) for your visit!


(ps. the sign says skateboarding is not allowed on terrace area.)






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